Dentistry clinics “Concordia” has started cooperation with the Riga Stradiņš University Institute of Stomatology thus providing a unique experience-exchange for the orthodontic residents of the Institute of Stomatology. The cooperation involves training of residents in the use of aligners and providing job opportunities.
This strategic partnership for the residents of the Institute of Riga Stradiņš University Institute of Stomatology will provide an advanced training programme and entry of new orthodontists with up-to-date knowledge into the dentistry market.
“The goal of the Institute of Stomatology within the framework of this cooperation is to ensure availability of highly qualified orthodontists in Latvia and give an opportunity for students to work with the cutting-edge technologies of this time. A contribution of the dental clinic “Concordia” to the field of Latvian dentistry is about innovations and contemporary approach to teeth alignment which will provide an excellent opportunity for our residents to improve their knowledge while learning from the best specialists in the county,” Institute of Stomatology of RSU board chairwoman, Ilga Urtāne, admits.
Dental clinic “Concordia” is one of the leading orthodontic clinics in the Baltic states offering dental procedures, alignment and correction of occlusion with aligner systems. Work with cutting-edge technologies has laid a basis for starting this strategic cooperation.
The head of “Concordia” clinic, Dr.Med Māris Gržibovskis: “Currently we see a lack of highly qualified specialists in the field of orthodonty, therefore we are especially glad about launching this cooperation with Riga Stradins University. Our long-term experience is based on the world’s cutting-edge and most efficient occlusion aligners “Invisalign”. An opportunity to routinely practice this method will give the specialists not only an excellent theoretical basis, but also a chance to obtain unique skills when working with patients. All participants and society in general will benefit from this cooperation.”
Patients have a special price-list if they choose a treatment in Dentistry clinics “Concordia” provided by orthodontic residents of the Riga Stradiņš University Institute of Stomatology.